Engineering Excellence in Robotics

At Ulto®, we specialize in advanced robotics research and engineering services, focusing on innovative design, robust drives, and state-of-the-art control systems enabled by AI. Our mission is to transform your operational challenges into value-adding successes through tailored solutions that enhance efficiency and reliability.

About Us

Our Philosophy

Engineering is not just about solving problems but doing so with maximum efficiency and precision. At Ulto®, we combine decades of engineering expertise with cutting-edge technology to deliver high-performance robotics solutions. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in robotics, making your ambitious projects achievable.

Our Expertise

Founded by Sebastian Engel, a seasoned engineer with extensive research experience in robotics, Ulto® has become a excellent provider of robotics design, drive and control innovation. With a background in both academic research and practical application, our approach is both scientifically sound and industry-tested.


# Robotics Design

We provide comprehensive design services from concept to completion. Our expertise includes:

  • Developing prototypes that meet specific functional requirements.
  • Integrating advanced materials and technologies to optimize performance and manufacturing costs.
  • Customizing designs to optimize for various operational environments and user expectations.

# Robotics Drives

Our drive solutions are at the core of robotic performance, involving:

  • Precision motor, gear and electronics selection and configuration to match exacting needs.
  • Drive system integration that ensures reliable and efficient operation.
  • Custom control algorithms that enhance the capabilities of robotic systems.

# Robotics AI

Our machine learning solutions are revolutionizing technical systems with:

  • Seamless integration of machine learning models into existing technical infrastructures, enhancing performance and capabilities.
  • Development of intelligent control systems that adapt in real-time to changing conditions, ensuring robust and reliable performance.
  • Utilization of large datasets to inform and improve decision-making processes, leading to smarter, more efficient operations.


Mobile Manipulator Example for Defense and Security Applications

Industrial Drone for Dispensing Fertilizers and Pesticides in Agriculture and Landscaping

Mecanum-Wheeled Aluminum Die-Cast Monobody Robot for Factory and Warehouse Applications

What challenges are you facing?

Talk to Your Expert

Sebastian Engel, Dr.-Ing.